The weekend I breathed. Deeply. Methodically. Joyfully.
I camped out on the white wicker love seat on my sun dappled balcony. When I fell asleep reading, I slept until I woke up and began that paragraph again. I went to bed early one night, got up early, ran on the river parkway instead of through the neighborhood, got coffee at Starbucks, went to a new grocery store, bought produce, produce, and more produce.
I took flowers the color of face powder to my mom. I forgot all about buying candy. I laid in the sunshine. I enjoyed iced water, iced tea, iced Diet Coke, and a glass of pinot grigio.
I made two fruit smoothies, did two chores, ran two errands, read two books, took two bubble baths, went two days without wearing makeup, and made two decisions. One was to act on each of the two revelations I had.
I laughed, cried, smiled, wondered, cared, and relaxed. It felt good to breathe.

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