Which came first?

My mom made the yellow dress I'm wearing in this photo. A nice little yellow shift. My favorite style to this day. Which came first, though. The yellow fabric or those heinous yellow tights? Certainly, one wouldn't choose that fabric and say to oneself 'I'll just go pick up some matching yolk colored tights for her'. I need to ask my mom about that! I hope she remembers!

I Finally did It!

I finally did it, made my Betty Rubble dress! Wish I'd have thrown that ribbon to the back and fished my rock pendant out from it's hiding place and posed so you could see my bow a bit better...............but, this is what I got!
So fun, I love costumes! Next year, I'm going Velma Dinkley. Glasses and all! Looking for brown loafers and orange knee socks already!

No title.

This is a nice dress. I didn't have the right bra with me for the occasion -- but when I wear it again in August, I'll be ready! Aiden Mattox. Saks.

Waiting for some dresses I ordered online from Neiman Marcus and a cute navy felt suit from Bergdorf Goodman. I will choose from among them what's to be worn for my interview next week. I hope it's the suit. It will be a bit warm for it but it's amazingly chic.