First muslin of 2014 -- a the bust.

I have been saving this pattern --

This week, I cut it from some fabric I thought would make some cute slacks but later decided I didn't really like....

It kinda fit, but I'm not sure I like me in something that doesn't have a shaped waist.  I don't really like a top/skirt/seam at the waist real waist, but I really do like a long French dart or a set of vertical shaping darts.  I think it gives actually a better shape and a little more room to the bust area.
This straight hanging shift style with conventional bust darts made me look like a green brick with a smashed chest.  I realize it was just a muslin and I should still try this with a FBA, of course!  But, it is pretty unattractive and I may just cut my losses with this one.....and, no photo, yuk!
But, I really, really, like this pattern and I have some navy suede - cloth to make it up in that will go so great with navy tights and my brown boots. 

 I'm going to switch gears and make a muslin for a yoked skirt and see where it leads me. 
Discouraged, yet hopeful.  Sewing trash can -- so pretty!

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